Our best offers
Minivan rental in Kiev and Ukraine
Minivan rental
Such a service as minivan rental appeared on the Ukrainian market relatively recently, but its advantages are so obvious, because it is in rather high demand.
The primary function of renting a minivan is the ability to travel in a large company at a very reasonable price. DRC car rental company, specializing in car rental, offers a wide range of models - from premium to budget cars.
The car rental service is often used by car owners, whose car either broke down and disrupted any planned trip, or is being repaired at a car service. When traveling, visiting tourists also prefer to rent a car in order to be more mobile.
It is possible to rent a minivan if you need to transport a large number of passengers: corporate vacation trips, delivery of guests to a wedding, a trip of schoolchildren to all kinds of events, a tourist trip.
Advantages of minivan rental service with DRC car rental company:
- Conclusion of a binding contract with the company (the car is provided immediately);
- Passenger and car insurance (CASCO, OSAGO) is included in the rental price;
- Technically sound car;
- Affordable prices for using the rental service;
- Comfort (when hiring a driver, the customer can rest and relax on the road or calmly conduct telephone conversations);
- In the event of a car breakdown or an accident - replacement with an equivalent model as soon as possible;
- Service support around the clock;
We offer our clients vehicles for meeting at the airport or railway station at a time strictly appointed by the customer. In this case, you can be firmly confident in the punctuality of the driver in arriving at the destination.
Renting a vehicle is slightly more expensive than depreciation and fuel costs for your own car, but it should be borne in mind that the customer himself is given the opportunity to spend time comfortably on the road.

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