General car rental conditions
at DRC Car rental
DRC (hereinafter referred to as the company), offers you a rental vehicle on the basis of these General rental rules, which also includes information and conditions included in the lease you signed. By renting a car, you acknowledge the terms of the Lease Agreement and the General Rules of the lease, and also confirm that you will strictly comply with them.
The rights and obligations that are included in the Agreement govern your use of the rented car and cannot be transferred by you to other persons. You acknowledge that the rented car is the property of the company, and that every attempt to re-rent and sublet the rented car by anyone other than the company is illegal. The company allows you to use the rented car exclusively on the rental conditions set forth in this Agreement. You must always have a rental agreement with you and present it at the request of the police.
Driving a car can only be carried out by you or by persons who were authorized by the company at the time the Agreement began, as drivers who are inscribed in the rental agreement. You agree not to drive the car yourself and not to allow other persons to drive the car if:
You or other drivers at the time of rental do not meet the minimum requirements of the company regarding age or possession of a valid driver’s license, or other minimum requirements that apply at the time of rental.
You or other drivers are overworked or under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medications, or other legal or non-legal substances that affect your consciousness or reaction.
The company provides you with a car in good general and working condition, complete with all the necessary documents, parts and equipment.
You agree to return the rented car to the Company, taking into account normal wear and tear, in the same condition in which it was rented, with all documents, parts and equipment, at the time, day and place specified in the rental agreement.
You and an employee of the company check the condition of the car at the beginning of the rental period and at the end. At the same time, the company employee provides an inspection certificate to account for defects identified by the parties. You acknowledge that you are responsible for all possible damage and damage to the rented car, its documents, parts or equipment.
A rented car is subject to return at the designated rental point of the company.
If you do not return the rented car after an additional period at the designated rental point, you will be required to pay an amount in the amount of the rent for one day. “Additional term” – a period of time more than two hours after the end of the lease specified in the contract. In case of non-return of the car for more than 24 hours from the end of the rental period, a fine in the amount of the deposit, as well as all expenses and losses associated with the non-return of the car. In this case, the landlord has the right to hijack the car, pick it up (from rental) on his own and is not responsible for the client’s things that were in the car.
You acknowledge the company’s right to charge an additional amount if the car needs dry cleaning when returning.
You are responsible to the company throughout the rental period for all expenses and losses that the company incurs due to damage or theft of the rented car, its parts or equipment. Your liability also extends to the cost of repairs, loss of equipment of the rented car, lost rental income, towing and parking fees, as well as an administrative fee that covers our costs of handling claims that arose as a result of damage to the rented car, unless liability for damage lies with the company itself.
You can drive a rented car only subject to the rules specified in sections 2 and 5 of the conditions. If you do not adhere to these conditions, you are liable to the company for all losses and losses incurred by the company if they arise as a result of non-compliance with the terms of this Agreement. In addition, you may lose insurance. The campaign reserves the right at any time (without warning, if this is not provided for by applicable law) to pick up the rented car at your expense if you violate the terms of this agreement.
Even when you are not using a rented car, you must make sure that it is closed, protected and in a safe place; if the rented car is equipped with an anti-theft system, you need to configure and use it. If the rented car is not used, it is necessary to remove all removable devices, radios, as well as mobile navigation devices and store them in a safe place. Seat belts, child seats and other child protection must be used at all times.
Refuel the vehicle with appropriate fuel and check the oil level, as well as the level of all other fluids, at least every 1000 km. Add oil and other liquids if necessary. If you have any problems as a result of accidents or mechanical failure, you must inform the company about this by the phone number that was provided to you during the rental process. No one has the right to repair or carry out maintenance of a car without a one-time consent of the company.
A rented car cannot be used not by you, not by third parties for such purposes: – for transportation of persons for a fee; – for the carriage of goods for a fee; – for towing and pushing vehicles, trailers or other items; – in areas where the movement of vehicles is not provided; – if the rented car is overloaded or if the goods are not secured in accordance with the rules; – for transportation of objects or substances whose condition or smell can damage the rented car or affect the subsequent rental of the car; – to participate in races, rallies, test races and other competitions; – in violation of traffic rules or other regulations; – for the purpose of unlawful actions; – for subsequent sublease; – for the trip, regardless of who drives the car, you or someone else, in restricted areas, especially on runways of airfields, airfield supply routes and similar areas; – for the purpose of learning how to drive a car; – in violation of the conditions specified in Section 2 of this agreement, which relate to the driver;
For trips abroad, there is a restriction related to technical insurance issues. When traveling to certain countries, the costs fall, subject to exclusion of liability, limitation of liability or protection against theft for a fee. Violation of these requirements entails full compensation for all (direct and non-direct) losses on the rented car; And in case of theft, you are responsible not depending on the degree of guilt in full.
The rent is paid according to the agreed rates. In the absence of a clear agreement, you pay the rent in accordance with the applicable tariffs. Company requirements for rent are payable immediately. Payment is possible in cash and credit cards. You authorize the company, without your further participation, block the deductible on your card, as well as remove and receive from your credit card the following: losses that are compensated, including compensation for lost documents, equipment that needs to be replaced, fueling fee, fee for a delay in returning the car, a fee for an additional driver, a fee for additional equipment, as well as payment of fees and penalties for violation of the rules of movement or parking during the rental period (including handling fee).
In the event that payment is made not by you, but by another person, the liability for the loss or damage to the rented car, as well as its parts, lies with the payer.
The company provides insurance coverage for people using a rented car in accordance with the rules of motor third party liability insurance.
TPL – insurance that limits the driver’s liability in case of material damage to third parties (up to UAH 150,000).
In the event of any traffic accident (with or without damage to the vehicle), as well as in case of theft (theft) of the vehicle or its parts, you must call the representative of the traffic police and draw up a protocol of an accident. Any damage, loss and theft of the vehicle must be reported immediately to the company. You must provide all necessary information about other parties who participated in the incident. Under no circumstances should you accept claims from third parties. You must assist company employees and insurance companies in resolving issues that arise as a result of damage or theft of the vehicle. If you violate any of the above conditions, especially in the absence of a protocol about an accident or theft, you are not exempt from damages.
The company is not liable either for you or for third parties for damages and damage that arose as a result of renting a car. The company is not liable for indirect and unforeseen losses, including lost profits or lost opportunities of any kind.
Liability on the part of the company for death or personal injury as a result of action or inaction on the part of the company, as well as other liability that is not excluded or limited to section 9 (a).
CDW (optional) – limits the driver’s liability for damage to the rental car.
TP (optional) – limits the driver’s liability in case of theft of a rented car.
By signing this lease, you declare your consent to the electronic processing of your personal data. If you violate the terms of this lease, your personal data may be disclosed and transferred to a third party for the purpose of further investigation.
The goal of DRC – car rental is to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiations. If this is not possible, all disputes should be resolved in a judicial proceeding, in bodies competent on these issues, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
How to order a car?
You can call (067) 322-60-60 or (044) 209-20-11 from 9:00 to 21:00 or make an online order around the clock. Managers will contact you as soon as possible.
What are the options for paying for a car rental?
You can pay for the rental of the selected car in cash or by bank card Visa / Mastercard.
What documents will be required?
- driver's license with driving experience of at least 2 years;
- passport (tenant must be at least 22 years old)
(TIN) identification code (needed only by citizens of Ukraine); - migration card (required only for foreigners);
the amount of the deposit (both cash and bank cards) must correspond to the class of the car you are renting.
What are the requirements for the tenant?
Driving experience - from 2 years.
What is the mileage limit?
- When renting a car for up to 5 days, mileage limits for cars 300 km / day. Surcharge for mileage $ 10 / per day for economy and middle class cars. When renting for more than 5 days, unlimited mileage.
- For business class cars and SUVs. For rent 1-12 days: 300 km / day, 13-30 days 250 km / day. Surcharge for mileage $ 20 per 100 km.
You can also use the "Unlimited mileage" service. Check with the managers for details.
Insurance and deposit
Страховой депозит - это максимальная сумма, в пределах которой Клиент несет ответственность перед компанией в случае повреждения автомобиля.
Возмещение является безусловным, поскольку его выплата (при повреждении автомобиля или его частей) не зависит от степени виновности клиента.
Но важно помнить, что при повреждении автомобиля Вам необходимо правильно и своевременно оформить документы (справки по утвержденным формам, согласно п.7 договора аренды).
Before sending the car to you, the vehicle undergoes additional technical inspection and quality control. This avoids problems with the car. The cars are fully insured, so there will be no problems with road inspection.
Specialists of the DRC car rental company carry out scheduled maintenance of all cars from the catalog. If necessary, replace old parts with new ones. It is worth noting that we use only certified components for all cars, not cheap Chinese counterfeits. Due to this you get not only comfortable but also safe driving.
Daily car rental in Kiev at affordable prices - DRC. Contact us, we will deliver the car to any specified place.

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